everybody is complaining about my art bcuz it is ms paint so i might see if i could use my bros photoshop or sumtin also i will tell u this if u think it is bad well i am VERY VERY VERY young so i cant do like freakin blood and gore with a perfect grayscale along with the fact that i hav ms so i might try to edit my drawings so just stop the critisism and if i told u my age u would probably like my art but im not stupid enough to giv away my age on the net
ok, here are a number of things wrong,
if we are to assume your age by the level of your art, I would easily say your no where near being old enough to be on Newgrounds. you should be still learning your ABC's.
Second Ms paint has nothing to do with quality of work, here check out this thread here on the BBS <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/951819/28">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/9 51819/28</a> admitting there is a lot of spam in the thread, but there are also a lot of very good art in there. especially done by CypressDahlia.
if people are bitching about your work, it's because you wither don't put in any effort, it is just flat out horrible, or stolen. so STFU or GTFO
i dont noo wat stfu or gtfo is but i a already no my abcs and how to type all the letters in the alphabet abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 2nd off ur an idiot if u think that ms paint doesnt affect quality and my art will improve i hav only done computer art 2 years ok not that long